Each year, we convene to develop an advocacy agenda that guides community efforts to impact public policy and lift up the voice of lived experiences in a way that can benefit systems change. Our 2023 advocacy agenda was built through engagement with community members, especially individuals with lived experiences in each area of focus. Advocacy is one way that we fulfill our Vision for Equity.
As the most recent ALICE (Asset Limited Income Constrained, Employed) report demonstrated, 1 out of 3 of all households in Pierce County are not currently earning wages to maintain a survival budget. In all of Washington State, 50% of households that self-identfy as Black are also ALICE. Reducing disparites in wealth and changing systems through which people and households are kept in poverty are key opportunites for acton. As we do so, we must also focus on the strengths and assets ingrained in our communities, committing resources to celebrating culture and growing resilience.
We will raise awareness of issues to advance systems change with solutions that positively impact families, specifically those disproportionately impacted, and provide engagement opportunities that build public resolve around equity in Pierce County.
Contact Kelvin Ceasar for additional information. He can be reached at or 253-597-4257.
Our 2025 advocacy agenda