United Way of Pierce County is starting a 21-day equity challenge on February 1, 2022, to spark conversation, action and change in our community around issues of race, power, privilege and leadership. Participants will also learn what it takes to go from being an ally to a leader in the fight for equality.
Between now and February, anyone can sign up to receive the daily email challenge here. Starting Tuesday, February 1, 2022, participants will receive a daily email introducing a topic supported by linked articles, videos and sometimes podcasts that dive deeper into that subject. We encourage participants to take their time with these resources, reflect on the questions, and sit with what they are learning. We also encourage everyone to join our weekly community conversations to convene with others participating in the challenge so you can connect, express your thoughts and continue to process your feelings in the community.
Help end racism and build a community in which people’s life outcomes are not determined by their skin color. By the end of the challenge, you will have gained an awareness and better understanding of how racism asserts itself in nearly all aspects of our daily lives.
WHO: United Way of Pierce County
WHAT: 21-Day Equity Challenge
WHEN: The Challenge begins on February 1, 2022.
WHERE: Click here to register for this free event: https://fs30.formsite.com/SMPaton/EquityChallengeSignUp/index.html