


United Way mobilizes the caring power of our community. Here are ways you can roll up your sleeves and get involved:
1. Become a volunteer. Visit UWPC.org and click on VOLUNTEER Website. Connect to volunteer opportunities throughout Pierce County with a wide range of nonprofits. Link to Get Connected United Way of Pierce County.
2. Volunteer with your team at work! Through our shared purpose, we'll help connect you to projects that support your Corporate Social Responsibility goals. Contact your Donor Relations Officer or email volunteer@uwpc.org for more info and opportunities to volunteer this year! Group Project intake form 
3. Volunteer with United Way. We have many opportunities for you to serve Pierce County right here in our organization. Opportunities range from DIY projects done at your location, to our Days of Service that support basic needs for families, to supporting student and family financial empowerment. We also offer occasional opportunities helping with our Gifts in Kind program and youth opportunities to help earn service hours toward the Willie Stewart Community Service Scholarship! Email volunteer@uwpc.org for more information.


Interested in supporting our annual service projects? Email your Donor Relations Office or volunteer@uwpc.org to learn more about sponsoring: MLK, Jr. Month of Service (January), Day of Action (June), Summer of Action (July/August) and Everything but the Turkey holiday food drive (Nov/Dec).